Lion: Sequel to Mouse

“If there’s one thing I know that is absolutely true without a doubt, our God is a God of second chances.”– Laura Carpenter
Clay Thatcher used to believe that. Coming home damaged from the war, letting his wife put him back together again. Seeing the love of his life fight the monster inside of her body. Losing her. Gaining an adopted daughter. He’s been knocked down time after time and picked himself up again. When his whole world is flipped upside down, can he do it again? Does he believe in new beginnings?

Maxine Marmarino used to think of herself as Mouse when she first showed up at the Thatcher farm nearly three years ago. After losing her father she had nowhere to go. An old army buddy was the only guardian social services could find, forcing her to leave the Big Apple and everything she knew. She never imagined anyplace else could feel like home until she met a boy, made friends, and Clay found his place in her heart. Max has grown new roots, blooming where she’s been planted…if the storms of life don’t wash her away.

You met Clay and Max in Mouse. Watch their story unfold in Lion.

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